Daily Archives: March 29, 2003

Iraq: Some Hypocrisy

There were some who said that going to war with Iraq would cause people to recruited to Al-Qaeda in droves. Some of those same people are still protesting this war on Iraq. I assume if they are opposing what’s happening, they want are troops taken out of there. I wonder how many people will be recruited to Al-Qaeda if we basically lose a war with Iraq. Hm. How weak will they view us? How much confidence will it instill in them that a weak little country like Iraq can defeat us? How many people will think it’s more likely that they can hurt us now? How likely will they believe that that time would be the time for attacking, once we are in retreat, when our morale is low?

According to a news article from Reuters, Mr. Rumsfeld ignored some advice about having more ground troops. Wasn’t shock and awe intended? I’m thinking it would have been more effective if we had twice as many troops, or more. Speaking of shock and awe, whatever happened to it?

Meanwhile, al-Jazeera, the television station, wins an award concerning censorship. I’m sure showing pictures of prisoners of war given to them by Iraq definitely contributes to their “maintenance of professional integrity.” I’m sure showing a picture of a child with its head split open rather than Iraqi atrocities helps “maintain free, independent and balanced reporting.”

Hypocrisy is the ultimate form of stupidity. And yes, yet another topic I will elaborate on in a future article. Most likely, tomorrow.

Oh, update: Minesweeper Intermediate time is now 39 seconds.