Daily Archives: August 19, 2003


Casinos are designed to be traps. Traps for your attention, you, and your money. If you’re visiting Las Vegas, you’re not going in for some quiet rest and relaxation. Noise. Action. Excitement. That’s what you want. And what does the casino do? It gives it to you.

Slots are mankind’s greatest money-sucking invention. Pull the lever, or push the button, either way, it’s all dictated by pure chance. Personally, I don’t see how people can sit in front of a slot machine all day long. At least other games give the illusion of skill. That’s okay. I don’t even like Roulette because I feel like there’s no skill. Anyway, the point is, people do play them. A helluva lot of people. There’s some damn many slot machines in a casino.

Slot machines are very useful to the casino, and not just because of the cash they rake in from all those suckers. First, they’re very noisy. They create a lot of sound, and that’s what attracts people. *Clink clink clink* The sound of coins noisily smacking into the bin there is classic casino sound effect. Next, they make very good decoration. They make a casino look very glitzy, and full. Full is important, because if a casino seems empty, no one will want to play there. Another thing slot machines do is direct traffic. They become part of the maze that is the casino floor and trap you inside, so it’s harder to find your way out. They’re positioned to provide maximum exposure, to allure you into playing them. They also keep you effectively trapped within the casino’s grasp, so you can keep playing other games. They isolate other players from the outside, so they feel enveloped within this casino world, and don’t see any reason to leave.

[tired, will continue tomorrow]