Control and Objects

The extent to which I like an object is usually directly related to control. I value things based on how much control they give me. I value computers because of the wide variety of activities I can accomplish with them. I can write what I wish with a pencil.

All these things are very useful and versatile, so shouldn’t I be judging things based on usefulness? Usefulness is a measure of how much control the object gives you.

Another factor is how much control I have over the object. Granted, true AI doesn’t exist, so humans have control over any object they create. I am able to press any button on the remote control. However, there are factors which make things harder to control than others, such as their comprehensibility. When I don’t understand what’s going on, I lack control, so I dislike the object or concept. For example, I like games which aren’t too complicated. Although I sometimes prefer some degree of complexity, this is because it gives me control over those who don’t understand the game. Also, I like it when I can win without an overwhelming amount of effort. That’s also based on my level of control over the game. Mastery is its own reward. This also applies to multiplayer games. I like winning. I like controlling the game to victory, and controlling my opponents to force them to defeat.

At times, I was relating these to influence over people. Control related to my relationships with others is a separate topic, for tomorrow (maybe).

2 thoughts on “Control and Objects

  1. Anonymous

    This reminds me of my Sociology class.
    My Professor was talking about Homeless people. And in particular one case. Her name was Jamie. She was convinced her shopping cart was talking to her. She moved the cart back and forth. When asked, the interviewer, could not hear the shopping cart talk. She moved the cart again. And the interviewer realized she was referring to the squeaky wheels. Now what drives a homeless person to go “crazy”. Well take the factor that everybody avoids them. So they are outcasted. And after a while of living without human interaction they would become indignant to others and focus on inanimate objects for comfort. They would also start talking outloud. They think, “People look at me indifferently if I talk outloud, but then again they already do, so what?” Back to Jamie again, she would extend her arm out and point at cars as they moved by, she was utterly convinced that she could control where cars went. Also, she believed she could control airplanes by pointing them were to go. So maybe in a way we can’t control everything. But real life is much different from the gaming world.

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