Although… Summer (Reprise)

Previously on this weblog: “Although I’m not exactly thrilled about being away from home so long this summer (the better part of a month) and I still haven’t finished a Majestic comic, I have a good feeling about this summer… perhaps the… best summer ever… hm…”

Commence laughing.

Let’s make some changes:

Although I was thrilled by the start of this summer… seeing Kill Bill, going to the zoo, going to the beach… I still have yet to have a decent time afterwards, and I’m hardly going to be home at all before summer is over. So, I have a bad feeling about the rest of this summer… perhaps the… worst summer ever… hm…

Note to self: Do not tempt the fates with such language (such as that in the aforementioned entry) ever again.

Will be back Saturday, then off into the wild blue yonder (is that the correct expression?) once more on Monday, midnight.