Daily Archives: August 1, 2004

Wow, I Really Don’t Know People

I know I said the other day that I don’t know online people that well, but I didn’t I know it was this bad:

I learned (from someone who will remain anonymous) that Stevie has played Minesweeper successfully without knowing what the numbers are for.

Personally, I’m appalled. It’s as if I was best friends with Hitler, and then I learn from someone else that he’s been killing a whole bunch of people.

Okay, maybe it’s not that bad. But really, how can people play without knowing what the numbers mean? How do they win? It boggles the mind!

I can understand not knowing how to play. Not everyone is cut out to be a Minesweeper King. But then, how do you keep on going, keep on playing, even to the point of completing the board, without ever trying to hit F1 or otherwise access help?

I can even understand hating Minesweeper. The best game in existence is just too much for some people. But that, I don’t understand.

You think you know a person…

[On a side note, I was fixing up links within this weblog today (from one entry to another), and I’m done with July 2003 through January 2004.]

08/02/04 – UPDATE: Oh my goodness! I thought I was just jesting, but then my best friend, Hitler, just told me that he’s been killing a whole bunch of people!

And yeah, Stevie, I do suck.

By the way, Stevie told me that she plays the game very easily without bothering with the numbers. I think she works on a higher level, and doesn’t even need the numbers. Note to self…

No, but really, recognizing numbers and then processing the information takes time. Pattern recognition does improve gameplay.