Triumph for Democracy: New Vote in Ukraine

News story: Court orders repeat Ukraine poll.

I’m relieved and ecstatic that the court ordered a new vote, but this news article doesn’t make me any more comfortable.

All we get of the detailed accounts of election fraud that must’ve been submitted to their supreme court is that it’s a “controversy [that] broke out when the presidential run-off vote on November 21 was handed to Mr Yanukovich despite strong polling signs that Mr Yushchenko had won.” Yeah, strong polling signs. That’s what started the controversy. That’s what the over 11,000 complaints to regional courts are complaining about. (See news article in previous entry.)

I’ll tell you this: It isn’t about some symbolic dispute between Russia and the West… it’s about democracy. And yet still, after the courts decided, the widespread electoral fraud is only “alleged.”

I don’t get it. Why can’t you just put one little line about the details of the widespread and blatant election fraud? What are you trying to hide? Why are you trying to hide it? Why? Just one sentence. It’s not that hard.

Look, you even wrote a whole Q&A article on the Ukraine electoral fraud, and still, you won’t put why! WHY ARE YOU HIDING THIS! (Oops, I meant electoral “crisis” not fraud.) How come no one asked, “What types of electoral fraud were alleged?” See, you could’ve still put “alleged” in there and put something. But no. You don’t. And I think it’s because you’re trying to hide something.

Democracy and truth triumphed. That’s what just happened in Ukraine, in case anyone can’t figure it out from the article, or from any other article.