Has No One Learned Anything From Term 1?

Wow, reading all these news articles about the SOTU, and they are all so pessimistic and anti-Bush, wondering if Bush learned anything from his first term. Hey guys, I wonder if you learned anything. Look at all the change he has affected. In his first SOTU, he named an axis of evil. Now, Iraq has had free elections. Expect change in these coming 4 years. Don’t expect Bush to make these sweeping plans and not follow through. Various articles cite Bush’s low approval ratings. I guess they missed the 2004 election in which he still managed to receive a majority vote. Besides, the people don’t directly vote on these issues. It’s Congress. And guess who controls Congress! The Republican Party!

It’s shaping my own vision of how I want to be president. The title is not caretaker of the United States. The president needs to be a leader and effect positive change.

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