We’d Like to Deny Your Constitutional Rights

Do bloggers deserve basic journalistic protections?

“Are bloggers entitled to the same constitutional protection as traditional print and broadcast journalists?”

Uh, freedom of speech, bitch. Freedom of press, same monster. We all have the same rights. You’re talking about privileges.

“If the courts allow every Tom, Dick and Matt who wants to call himself a journalist to invoke the privilege to protect confidential sources, the public will become even less trusting than it already is of all journalists.” [emphasis mine]

Point made.

Or… are you talking about privileges, you silly man?

Speaking of Tom, I think your next campaign after you slay those bloggers is to destroy all those opinion-mongering pamphleteers. Too bad Thomas Paine is already dead, you could’ve gone after him and his un-fact-checked rant against the monarchy, “Common Sense”.