The Amazing Virgin Mary Water Stain!!!

Wow! The Virgin Mary appears! People of faith rejoice! This freaking water stain is proof that the new pope will be a really cool guy.

Oh geeze. Why are people so dumb? That’s our brain looking for patterns… a pleasant byproduct not unlike seeing images in clouds (or the devil’s face in smoke). How can you flock to this? How can you pray to this? AND YOU WONDER WHY ATHEISTS MOCK RELIGION? All you have to do is change your angle and it doesn’t even look like anything.

“Delgado said she had been praying to the Virgin Mary to help her pass a final in culinary school when she saw the image.” You know, maybe it might help you better if instead of praying, you were studying? Hm?

“A Canadian woman also said she saw the Blessed Mother and baby Jesus on a Lay’s Smokey Bacon Chip.” Behold the Almighty’s power! He can make images appear on potato chips!

“That’s the image that’s portrayed in the Bible. Many miracles have happened, but this is one that just appeared.” I dunno, for me, a miracle is little more miraculous…. And besides, lady, my Bible don’t got any pictures in it. (Unless you consider maps to be pictures.)