Daily Archives: July 14, 2005

The Situation Advertisements

I heard an advertisement for The Situation with Tucker Carlson on the radio. It featured a guy with “News ADD.” As if the common man should be afflicted by this! As if this is something to be proud of?! Oh woe, what has our society come to? Can the news only be digested in 10 second segments? Does it become stale before you can finish uttering the headline? Has no one the attention span to care?

Nay, if you actually know something, you’re boring. The American people want conflict/drama — bold declarations, not debate. You can’t afford to be convinced of anything in this country anymore. If you aren’t perfectly right from the beginning, you’re a flip flopper, you’re a horrible person with no convictions, no morals, no backbone. The Americans value the truth. They just won’t pay/vote for it.

Well, fuck your societal pseudo-disease.