Daily Archives: July 26, 2005

Are humans inherently good or evil?

Are humans inherently good or evil? No. Let’s break it down. Are humans inherently good? Yes. Are humans inherently evil? Yes. All humans are both inherently good and evil.

Does it make sense any other way? If we were all inherently good, then why is there evil in the world? Why is there suffering? Why do some people choose to harm others? Why do some people choose to act selfishly?

The same applies if we are all inherently evil. If we are, then why do have tendencies to do good? Why do morals and ethics exist in every society? Why are there some people who choose good, like Gandhi?

I can only conclude that to be human is to be simultaneously inherently good and evil.

The story doesn’t end there. That means to be good, one must continually fight the evil within himself. It takes effort to be good; it takes suffering to be good. However, the most important thing is that to be good, it requires one to choose good.