Daily Archives: September 14, 2005

All You Need to Know About Katrina

I’ve found all that needs to be said. Sure, there are lots of issues, but deciphering the web of mythocracy is unneeded. All you have to do is cut through it with the truth.

How to make us safer: Katrina and Security from Bruce Schneier. If you don’t want to read the whole article, there are two things that we need to fund: emergency response and intelligence gathering. That will make us safer in the wake of all disasters, natural or otherwise.

Too bad the LA Times is getting rid of Michael Kinsley. He says all that I wish I could say about the fetid aroma of hindsight. But I’m young, in time, I’ll develop a more eloquent style.

The hindsight geniuses didn’t get the necessary changes done to prevent this disaster. In that sense, the little New Orleans Times-Picayune series, and the pork-consuming representatives failed New Orleans despite their supposed prescience. Thus, we need a different approach rather than I-told-you-so. That approach? Emergency response and intelligence gathering.