Daily Archives: November 14, 2005

If It Ain’t Broke, and If It Is

I really really hate it when people fix what ain’t broke in order to hide the fact that they aren’t fixing the things that are broke.

Example 1: At Terrace cafeteria, they put the shitty food in nice-looking buffet-style metal containers. What utter rubbish. There’s such a disconnect that it makes the food taste worse. What’s more, there were no plates anywhere! I’m not sure if it’s because of the time I was there, general incompetence, or maybe that the new fancy-schmancy food containers left no room to put the plates. And the food still tastes gross.

Example 2: Locks on the bathroom doors. I need a key to get inside my bathroom. Evidently this is supposed to be some security measure. I find it an inconvenience measure. The trade-offs aren’t worth it in terms of security. So, we’ve got stall doors that won’t work, and they decide to give us locks we don’t need on the outside door. Brilliant.