The State of the Union (and Democratic Response)

Not a lot to say, so I’ll say it in list form:

  • I was watching it on ABC and someone made the best snide comment ever. Right before the speech, when the President was up in front, they announced him and everyone applauded. One of the talking heads on TV actually said something brilliant, “As if they didn’t already know he was there.”

  • Less applause than applause-happy last year. Very good thing. It made the State of the Union address unbearable last year.
  • I like the theme of keeping America competitive. Dead serious. That’s my goal. Keep America on top.
  • As much as I’m not a fan of pork, the line item veto is not the solution. It’s the legislature’s job to legislate, not the President.
  • Thank you for acknowledging immigration, but the guest worker program is a horrible idea
  • Cindy Sheehan is a joke.
  • When Bush mentioned troop withdrawals, I thought that maybe we won’t have troop withdrawals in ’06, like I’ve been predicting

I don’t have much to contribute to this discussion. There’s not much worth mentioning. However, the Democratic response: I know it’s not a big thing and no one listens to it. But speaking as a Republican, people like Governor Kaine are dangerous. Not to our country like the defeatists are, but to the Republican party. If the Democratic party was led by people like him instead of that idiot Howard Dean, the Democrats would have a chance. The Democrat’s problem is national security. I’ve been saying that ever since Kerry lost. Governor Kaine didn’t appear weak on security. He focused on the methods, which have been questionable on Bush’s part, at times. However, the Democrats are probably too dumb to realize this, and I seriously doubt they’ll make many gains during the midterm elections.