3 Tamed, and 2 Untamed Emotions

Tamed McCarthyism: I was reading “The World is Flat” by Tom Friedman and I came across this line from Karl Marx, “All that is solid melts into air.” That line from Marx was a test question on my first sociology midterm last semester. Maybe the only two people who managed to get the question right were not commie bastards but Friedman fans.

Tamed deja vu: Again, I was reading “The World is Flat” and I came across the name N. Gregory Mankiw. I thought, “Hey, that sounds familiar.” So, I grabbed my Econ book and realized that this guy wrote my econ book. I later read on and find out Tom Friedman acknowledges that he is the author of a popular college economics textbook. Not so coincidental after all.

Tamed immorality: I was doing today’s Jumble. It’s a word puzzle in the newspaper in which you have to unscramble words. Then, you take some designated letters from those words and unscramble those letters to get the answer to a dumb joke. So, I unscrambled some letters to make the word TOKES. I thought, hm, that sounds like a word, but I’m not sure. So, I looked it up. Lo and behold, it was a word related to marijuana use. That’s funny, I thought, I can’t believe the newspaper would let them get away with that. Then, when I couldn’t figure out the final unscramble, I realized that the word was STOKE, not TOKES.

Untamed anger: Five page paper due tomorrow. Happy Valentine’s Day, Mr. McDonald.

Untamed sorrow: Lloyd’s entry for today, “i need to be reminded“.