Why I Need To Go On Vacation More Often

I wrote this on a post-it note while in Atlanta:

“I carry around a granola bar in my pocket, so if a homeless guy wants money, I can give him that instead. Unfortunately, I started a trend, and now an ounce of cocaine is worth 20 granola bars. I plan to flood the market with currency and destabilize the drug trade.”

I realize that I haven’t been observing the world as closely as I was during summer. That vacation was just me observing the world. I would like to go on more fact-finding missions. I think I need to go to random places, just stare at the people, and then write about them.

“they mill about aimlessly
i am not watching the fish
i am watching the people”

Honestly, I’ve found it increasingly harder to write Chalkboard Manifesto comics. I just don’t have the same poignant observations about the world that compel me to write them down. Mainly, it’s a point of me just not really looking for them. Before, I was always on the look out for something that could turn into a comic. Nay, I also spent much more time interacting with people. I am at my best comedically when I can twist someone’s words or use their words as a springboard for a humorous thought. Today, my interactions are limited to less than a minute. I pass by them in the hall, in the bathroom, outside Terrace, and soon I must be on my way, and they, their way.

“wicked fob of the west red shoes”

Vacations seem unfeasible, though. I think I need to take Post-It notes around with me always and be unafraid to write everything down. Most of it will be junk. However, at least within the junk I can find a few gems, rather than trying to conjure something from nothing.

One thought on “Why I Need To Go On Vacation More Often

  1. Lloyd Nebres

    This reminds me of a site I used to read often… someone in Berkeley made a website or weblog comprised of snippets of conversation she overheard while doing everyday things out and about.


    Fascinating and intriguing, I would think that sort of thing could trigger a CM drawing. ::chuckle::

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