Daily Archives: March 28, 2006

A Slap to the Republican Base

Check out the new immigration bill. Just what the hell are the Republican party leaders thinking? Essential amnesty for millions of illegals? Caving into Democrats? Caving into a rally where illegals waved Mexican flags?

Does the Republican Party represent us anymore? Any fellow Republicans out there reading this? This must be where we make our principled stand. We must tell our party, our candidates, that we will not vote for them unless they stand firm against illegal immigration.

What’s the point of having control of the Senate and House if they won’t stand for our ideals? They say, “Don’t let the Democrats get in, they’ll do worse.” Well, look, we have reached the point where you’re just as bad as the Democrats.

The leaders of the Republican Party have delivered a slap to our faces. We must respond likewise. I don’t care how many big business people you woo. You can’t win without our votes.

Is it too ridiculous to hope for Tom Tancredo in ’08?