Daily Archives: March 30, 2006

Bush in Fox’s Pocket?

Read this article from the AP, which I found on Yahoo! News: Bush Pushes Congress to OK Immigrants. Bush meets with Vincente Fox. Perhaps they talking further on the deal to give some of our states to Mexico? I kid.

There are a few startling quotes from the article. First: “Bush is pushing for a guest worker program that would let foreigners in low-paying jobs stay temporarily, which Fox says is a good first step toward some form of legal status for all Mexican illegal immigrants.” Granting legal status for all Mexican illegal immigrants, eh? And yet the New York Times has the gall to tell us that it’s not amnesty. Rewarding people for breaking the law is not amnesty, eh?

The second startling quote you’ll find at the very beginning: “With Mexican President Vicente Fox at his side, President Bush gave Congress a long-distance push Thursday to open the United States to immigrant workers who have been sneaking across the borders to fill low-paying jobs.” I think they’ve got part of it backwards. The reason why illegals get paid dirt cheap is because they’re illegal. It’s because they aren’t citizens, and they don’t have the legal recourse. Are they coming in to fill the low-paying jobs? Or are those jobs low-paying because competition from illegal immigrants forces the wages down?