Immigrant Rights?

I don’t understand the concept of “immigrant rights,” especially since it really refers to “illegal immigrants.” It’s quite simple, really. If you break into my house and decide you want to live there, you have no right to demand that I serve you breakfast. You have no right to demand that I give you a job cleaning my house if you have broken into my house. I don’t care how hardworking you are or what kind of family you have to feed — you broke into my fucking house. By coming into the country illegally, you have broken into the house that is America. And if I really want to compare it to illegal immigration, it’s as if you broke into my house and trashed my front yard as you came in. Illegal immigrants are trashing the ecosystems along the border. Then, once you come into my house, I relent and say, “Okay, you’re not that bad; I’ll let you work,” and then 11 million of your friends come a-knocking on my door.

I don’t understand how anyone can’t figure out that picture. It shows an inherent disrespect for the laws of our country. People think everything’s a “right” these days. No one has any “right” to come to America. Unfortunately, life isn’t fair. If I’m a poor orphan kid, I have no right to break into a rich guy’s house and demand that he raise me. We’ve got a country to keep running, and you can’t just let everyone in here.

This shows us how bad the problem really is : “Asked whether she was afraid to parade her undocumented status in front of a massive police presence, she laughed and said: ‘Why? They kick us out, we’re coming back tomorrow.'”

They don’t care about our laws.

And after this next quote, I’m almost tempted to say, “Fine, let’s codify an underclass.”

“‘We all know pay is not the same everywhere and lot of people won’t work for the minimum here, so if they won’t take the job, what’s the problem?’ said 47-year-old Jose Salazar.”

Again, they don’t understand our laws.

Taken all together, I don’t think I’m over-reacting when I say that a serious threat is posed to our sovereignty. Or at least to the border states. If you keep marching in our streets waving foreign flags, it’s going to get ugly. I have a feeling things are only going to get worse.