Crazy 87

I finally beat my old Minesweeper expert record of 88. Now, it’s 87. I am ecstatic. I have finally returned to my quest to become Minesweeper King.

5 thoughts on “Crazy 87

  1. Ingslot Vonnesline

    87 seconds? This cannot be possible! I hardly ever even win at expert level. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give me a hint..have I missed some configurations where the mine position can be deduced..I always end up having to guess!

  2. Ingslot Vonnesline

    PLEASE, do me a favor and play minesweeper whilst recording the monitor..I’ve got to see 87 seconds or even 120 seconds!

  3. Dave Higdon

    87 is pretty crazy, however I do have 2 seconds for beginner and 26 for intermediate. best I can get for expert is 110

  4. Raven

    I randomly found your website. I cannot believe you have an 87 minesweeper expert score!!! My best is 98 seconds, and I thought that was amazing, but you have me beat by 11 whole seconds!!! I have no idea how I can beat my score because it seems to me I can’t go any faster… I would humbly accept any advice from the Minesweeper King. Truly, I am impresed.

  5. umfum

    Excellent scores. I’ve been addicted for a couple of months now. Currently, B = 10. I = 43. E = 149.

    Haven’t played B in a while. Just started playing I again. Last week my low for I was 59. I set a goal of 180 for myself when I started getting into E. Now my goal is 120.

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