North Korea Tests Nukes

North Korea tests a nuke. Will the Republicans beat the war drums loudly enough to drown out the Foley scandal?

Will they place the blame squarely on Clinton?

Are we safer now than we were 6 years ago?

What is Rove’s October Surprise?

Tune in this month for the answer to these questions and more on…

Ah shit, this is fucking real life…

0 thoughts on “North Korea Tests Nukes

  1. Lloyd Nebres

    Ah. Nothing like the real evildoer to finally show his fangs, to make us realize our focus was misguided all along.

    Hindsight is 20-20, but this is really, historically, stupid… the real WMD was elsewhere all along. NKorea, and soon enough, Iran. Not in Iraq. The act of attacking Iraq in 2003 is now fully and completely exposed for the idiocy it was.