Book Signing

I went to Glenn Greenwald’s book signing today in DC. They ran out of books, though, so I didn’t have anything to sign. Still, I got to hear him talk and I got to meet him. That’s worth more than any signature in my estimation.

I plan on purchasing his book very soon. I have a feeling it’s going to give me a good framework in which to work.

Note to self: When you go somewhere, make sure you check when the trains get back. Also, expect a delay whenever dealing with trains.

I was totally stranded at the train station and then in the train. I tried calling people, but most of them didn’t pick up. To be honest, I really wanted to call Lloyd because he actually knows who Glenn Greenwald is, but I don’t have his number.

0 thoughts on “Book Signing

  1. Lloyd

    Whoa. Lucky you! To have heard/seen Greenwald, that is. Not about getting stuck in the train station. ::chuckle::

    You could have tried calling Stevie, who I think still has my cellphone #. I would have loved chatting with you about Greenwald.


  2. W. Lan

    Sorry about not being able to talk yesterday! But that’s really cool you got to meet him and stuff! Hopefully it was worth the train fiasco…but whatcha gonna do — it’s Amtrak! =P We should hang out when you’re back in CA. I’m only 3 hrs from Vegas, and you’re 21 now…=D Oh, and I’m disappointed at the lack of Chalkboard comics. I need entertainment at work…LOTS OF IT. ;)