Daily Archives: December 25, 2010

Cable News Makes You Stupid

I recently posted this on facebook:

Can we just call it like it is: Cable news makes you stupider. If anyone’s watched that episode of The Boondocks where Huey watches nothing but BET, you’ll understand what cable news does to you.

And I included a link to this article: Study: Some Viewers Were Misinformed by TV News.

In retrospect, I never read the study and trusted someone else to inform me on it, so that probably wasn’t a good idea. Anyway, people have been lured into the partisan aspect of this, claiming that Fox News misinforms people the most. Or rather, that people who watch Fox News are more likely to believe certain false claims. I don’t care about this and don’t want to talk about it because I believe that all cable news is stupid.

I recently found some stuff that confirms my bias, so I’d like to link to them:
Be Careful What You Magnify, Ctd on Andrew Sullivan’s blog (He’s on vacation, so it’s not Sullivan writing)
On Cable News by Radley Balko
Cable News Switcheroo by Radley Balko
Cable News: Where Being Loud Trumps Being Wrong by Radley Balko