Daily Archives: February 7, 2012

Beads. Bees?

I used to know the bees more intimately. I’d take frequent walks around the office building, and I would just notice things. I’d look at the flowers, the bees, etc. Now there’s construction going on, so I can’t make a full circuit. Even before then, I had stopped paying attention. Maybe it was around the time I injured my stomach. I dunno.

A few days ago, I went to a Thai restaurant to get some takeout. I had nowhere else to be, so I sat there, waiting for my food. The hostess asked if I wanted any water. I said yes. (I haven’t been drinking enough water lately, but I didn’t verbalize that.) I moved from the bench to a table, so that I’d have somewhere to put my glass. Now I had a view of the window. Since I had no book or iPad, all I could do was wait. I let myself just be there. I let myself look out the window and look at the room. I noticed the artwork on the wall, the security camera on the ceiling, the plant with the thank you note.

Meditation is nice when you can close your eyes and just breathe. But you can get the same joy by — instead of forcing yourself to be productive — noticing the world around you.