Daily Archives: May 22, 2003

Meaning of Life

This is actually the first time I’ve missed updating for two days in a row. I’m still rather tired, so I’m only going to talk about the meaning of life today.

Quite simply, according to my worldview, there is no meaning of life. Life is just a natural product of the universe. It serves no superior purpose.

One could make an argument that the purpose of life is to reproduce. That’s what evolution has programmed us to do. However, I don’t view that as a purpose. It’s a natural happening that occured because it allows life to continue. It’s almost like saying that the purpose of life is to live.

Maybe the meaning of life being to live is not so ridiculous a statement. Even the religious can agree with this. Christians think that life is precious because it is God’s creation. So would the meaning of life be to live in order to use the most precious gift?

Still, I want to go deeper than this semi-circular meaning. Why do I want to continue to live? Once death occurs, I can’t do anything anymore. So, I want to continue living in order to experience things. What sort of things? Everything, perhaps.

If you had to choose only one emotion to experience for the rest of your life, what would you choose? Chances are, you chose happiness. There are some more creative answers, such as surprise or comfort, but these are derivatives of happiness. And those who chose surprise (or who are now thinking it’s a cool choice) should be more specific. Embarrased surprise, angry surprise (such as that of discovery a spouse cheating), or maybe… happy surprise? Could someone possibly choose to be sad or angry for the rest of their lives?

What’s the point of living if you’re not happy? Going back to what I said earlier about experiencing everything, I think experiencing other emotions allows you to appreciate happiness more, just as tragedies can teach us to value human lives more.

Thus, I think the meaning of life is to be happy. Now it’s only a question of what makes people happy.