I Am Short

I have come to the realization that I am very short. This is a problem. Not that I’m insecure or anything, but people look up to their leaders, so to speak. Basically, if I want to be a politician and president, I’ll be facing an uphill battle as a short person. I don’t have as commanding a presence as those who are taller. Those as tall as, let’s say, John Kerry, have a natural advantage in elections. The taller person tends to win.

This disappoints me. I do have a plan, though. I am half-Asian. (That’s why I’m so short.) More specifically, half-Chinese. Perhaps, I should help agitate for democratic change in China. If they ever do have democratic elections, I can move there. Maybe I can be president of China. I don’t think I’ll have to be as tall.

Just kidding. I love my country. I figure if FDR could figure out how to deal with being disabled, I can figure out how to deal with being short.

2 thoughts on “I Am Short

  1. Lloyd Nebres

    Hm… yup, I’ve read about that one before, in terms of recent political history. But the issue is pretty subjective, overall. Of American presidents, James Madison was 5’3″, Ulysses Grant and John Adams 5’7″ … neat list here.

    And of course, there’s Napoleon, who was 5’2″ or 5’6″ depending on who’s counting; and Hitler was ‘only’ 5’8″. Then again, those are counterbalanced by Mao Tse Tung’s relatively amazing height of 5’11” … and so on and so forth.

    Point is, yes I agree… people do seem to look for leadership in people of above-average height, but there exist notable exceptions which go some ways to disprove a general rule of height.

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